Organizational chart Balkan Biocert Ltd.
Operational structure
The General Assembly of members (GA) is the supreme body of the company and shall consist of all members. The members which shall be legal bodies, shall be represented by authorized persons. The GA decides on the policy of the company as well as on the budget planning and utilization.
The company is managed by a Manager elected by the GA. The inspectors and the administration of Balkan Biocert LTD are under the guidance of the Manager.

Bodies related to the activities of Balkan Biocert LTD
Certification Committee
independent body of experts to the Balkan Biocert LTD. It has consultancy function regarding the certification decisions of operators.
Appeals Committee
independent body of experts to the Balkan Biocert LTD. Review and take decisions on the appeals filed by operators of organic production.
Supervisory Board
independent body to the Balkan Biocert LTD. It has supervisory function. It will ensure the transparency of the company work and supervise the use of funds. It will also monitor the performance of the company.