The accreditation of Balkan Biocert Ltd. has been extended

Apr 24, 2009

Dear customers,

We inform you that the accreditation of Balkan Biocert Ltd. has been extended with an order by the Executive Director of EA ‛Bulgarian Accreditation Service‛ No 62/13.01.2010 and the validity now expires on 30 April 2010. Until then, an accreditation audit will be carried out by the EA ‛Bulgarian Accreditation Service‛ for preaccreditation of Balkan Biocert Ltd as a certification body. The present accreditation certificate and the Order for the extension of its validity are on our home page. For reference, please visit the following link: on the web page of EA ‛Bulgarian Accreditation Service‛, where the accreditation status of Balkan Biocert Ltd. can be verified.
Yours sincerely,
Balkan Biocert Ltd.